Friday, September 28, 2012

marketing mistakes

Hubzer dudes largest painful marketing mistakes online click to edithelp

the whale of mistakes

It pains for me to say this but hubzer dude joined a pre-launch of a super new tech product.I marketed a coming soon product.Needless to say the product never launched.The hubzer dude spent time & money for something in the bush. To this day,some potential customers and reps continue to ask if we have that mystery product x yet.I ADMIT I DESERVE the jeers.In fact,my cousin always ask me every time i see him (with a big laugh"HEY you got that product x yet'? If the hubzer dude ever markets a coming soon product,please hit him square in the chops.Note to self,try the product or service yourself before marketing it.Love to hear your online success and war stories. Please no comments from my cousin.

Market real products no crap stuff 'foCus'

BOZO Gozo online marketing.

The word focus comes to mind.It is very easy to get distracted on the net.When i stumble into a splash page or a headline that appeals to me,i have taken time to see what the heck is the story.It took awhile,but i finally figured out that this time spent is not productive. I set a time to achieve my online goals.I could spend hours just surfing YouTube.I wish they never invented that site.(just kidding)Focus on goals with a plan but place a time limit to accomplish it.i do thank you for the time reading this,but get out there and do something even if it is wrong.When we conclude that it is wrong, we must eliminate it. Get our focus face on.It will propel us to our online marketing goals.
Multiple steams also sounds like a great idea,now for me it was multiple out go. Focus on one thing till it is a positive cash flow. There is that focus word again.

Not branding the hubzer dude

Now about 6 months ago the Hubzer dude woke up saying products and businesses can come and go but the Hubzer dude is going to stay and market on the net.Great social media sites are powerful marketing tools. It is a social evolution revolution in the adverting marketing world. The primary reason i'm here at the Hub is branding. My opinion global mobile social commerce will be a phenom over the next several years.So the Hubzer dude is branding in the global mobile social commerce realm. Hubzer dude is serious about hub marketing .Hub marketing is finding products in the global mobile commerce realm and then simply share the info to the globe. Get real global mobile social commerce products to real customers that will want them when they find out about them .Many new interesting products and services are launching in global mobile commerce arena.

paying for leads ppc ppv too boo boo

It is funny but not fun to call people that do not want to talk you.If there is a leads company that targets what you are selling for good (ROI) price let me know.On a positive note,I know calling strangers builds character.For people that want some intensive personal development,pick up the phone and market to antagonized prospects.It is funny when i think about calling folks that would rather curse at me than talk to me.The good old days wow,I laugh when i think of these out-standing conversations. Pay per click and pay per view marketing has had enough failure campaigns for me.I learned how significant testing an ad can be. A SIMPLE RULE make more money than ONE pays for an ad.P.P.C. and P.P.V. This strategy can be much more targeted some other paid advertising methods..This marketing method can work for folks, but the buying leads method is not going to work for most people. My humble hub marketing opinion,buying leads stinks big time, man. Salute and success2u in your journey.

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