Thursday, November 3, 2011

The four Horses of the internet

Staggering growth and these horses are only getting started in the future global mobile social commerce world. First is Google or the god of search,say no more.Google has been the genius in the growing digital world.Second is AMAZON or should we say amazin. Amazon affiliates just keep getting bigger and better.When will they have enough affiliates.Third is Facebook,when did the world get so darn social. Facebook sounds like it is having an ipo soon.Love the marketing that the Facefolks are bringing to that platform.Last but not least and have been 2 years ahead of technology is Apple. Apple is coming out with a global mobile paying app soon.Sounds like the fees better than the folks that are in the market already.It is not cheap to pay with your cell phone. We will watch these four horseman of the global mobile social commerce revolution,. Sorry Ebay and Microsoft,you did not make the the four horseman team,try harder in 2012. My favorite new program is amazon local.

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